Friday, September 25, 2009

No Soup For You Today .......................

Iran Reveals Existence of Second Uranium Enrichment Plant

Yesterday Benjamin Netanyahu told the U.N. that,"the jury is still out,"on whether the U.N. or the West would do anything meaningful to prevent Iran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

Today the jury was given this piece of evidence:
Iran acknowledged the existence of the facility for the first time on Monday, in
a letter to the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency. The letter said
"a new pilot fuel enrichment plant is under construction in the country," said
Marc Vidricaire, a spokesman for the watchdog agency. "The letter stated that
the enrichment level would be up to 5 percent."

But wait theirs more:
White House officials said Western intelligence agencies have been tracking the
facility for years. Obama said officials from the United States, France and
Britain briefed the IAEA in Vienna on Thursday on what they knew about the
facility. The three heads of state decided to publicly disclose the existence of
the facility after learning that Iran had become aware the site was no longer a

Actually not any new evidence,we fin out the United States have known about this for years.

President Obama said this
:"Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow," Obama said, detailing
how the facility at Qom had been under construction for years without being
disclosed, as required, to the International Atomic Energy Association.
"International law is not an empty promise."

Yes it is an empty promise.We have known about this for years and yet have done nothing.It is insane to believe that Iran,who has broken the rules for years,that they will now start playing by the rules,because we demand it.Give me a break!

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown does no better:
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown accused Iran of "serial deception" that he
said "will shock and anger the whole international community, and it will harden
our resolve."
"We will not let this matter rest," Brown said. " . . . Iran
must abandon any military ambitions for its nuclear programs."

"Harden our resolve," to do what,Gordon Brown?"Iran must abandon any military ambitions for its nuclear programs,"or what?Will we take out Iran's nuclear facilities?Iran knows the answer to that and the answer is no we wont.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy talks tough
:"How, before the eyes of the world, could we justify meeting without tackling
them?" Sarkozy said. "We live in the real world, not a virtual world. And the
real world expects us to take decisions."
On Friday, he said Iran "is taking
the international community on a dangerous path . . . Everything, everything,
must be put on the table now. We cannot let the Iranian leaders gain time while
the motors are running."
This sounds good but talk is cheap and its what we are prepared to do that matters.

And we are not prepared to do much:
Both Sarkozy and Brown said that if Iran does not come into compliance by
December, it risks the imposition of stringent international sanctions. Obama,
who spoke in more measured terms, did not mention sanctions specifically.

Obama may be planning to get tougher than both Sarkozy and Brown.Obama just may not send a Christmas card to the Ayatollah.

The Soup Nazi approach will not work.Iran is a Islamic fundamentalist regime and they believe they have a mandate from Allah to destroy Israel.They are hell bent on acquiring nuclear weapons to accomplish that,no matter what.

The only way to stop them from acquiring weapons of mass destruction is to destroy their capability to create them.Sanctions,negotiations,or Barack Obama's charm will not stop them.Only the use of force will stop them and if we don't,I hope Israel does.

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