Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Nobel Anti-Bush Prize

Barack Obama's peace prize starts a fight - Times Online

This statement in the London times explains it all, on why Barack Obama received the the Nobel Peace Prize:
The Nobel Peace Prize is a notoriously difficult award to predict, but
yesterday's decision was clearly a political choice, with three of the past six
peace awards going to Bush adversaries.

I guess they should rename the Nobel Peace Prize to The Nobel Anti-Bush Prize!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Clear Choice

Afghanistan: Eight Long Years Later - David Bellavia - The Corner on National Review Online

David Bellavia is absolutely correct in his assessment of the war in Afghanistan.Obama needs to give Gen. McChrystal the forces he needs to win in Afghanistan or get the hell out.The choice is that simple and its taking entirely to long.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Powell,But Petraeus

Military Memo - Clear Voice of Bush’s Pentagon Becomes Harder to Hear -

I just love these quotes from the Old Gray Hag describing Gen. David H. Petraeus:
"......the celebrity commander..........",".............the general, with the Capitol Hill contacts and web
of e-mail relationships throughout Washington’s journalism establishment....................."

If one didn't know better,one would think they are describing Gen. Colin Powell.But that can't be,they are describing a general who actually has accomplished something.

On another note,isn't it about time Congress gives Gen. Petraeus his 5th star.Gen. Petraeus is our greatest general since Douglas MacArthur and deserves to to be promoted to a 5 star general.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Missed Oppurtunity

Report Says Iran Has Data to Make a Nuclear Bomb -

Obviously our allies in Europe are getting nervous over a nuclear armed Iran.Well not just nervous they are getting scared of a nuclear armed Iran.Because of this Obama is missing another opportunity,like he did in June,(2009),earlier this year when he didn't support the election fraud protest in Iran,by not building a coalition to bring about the real solution to a nuclear armed Iran,regime change.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Another Nail In The Coffin

CBS employee pleads not guilty in Letterman plot

The story everyone seems to be missing in the latest David Letterman scandal is the decrepit and corrupt state of the CBS News division.

Obama Loses Olympic Bid

Chicago Loses 2016 Olympic Bid -

Obama fails,the people of Chicago win!!!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Panic On The Left

Op-Ed Columnist - Where Did ‘We’ Go? -

This is starting to sound like a mantra,from Nancy Pelosia,Chris Matthews,Patrick Kennedy,and many others in the media and blogasphere,all warning of the possible violence from conservatives(or the right-wing as they like to say)in our opposition to Barack Obama's socialist agenda.Now,not to be outdone,the great Thomas Friedman has finally gotten the memo:
But something very dangerous is happening. Criticism from the far right has
begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating the same kind of climate
here that existed in Israel on the eve of the Rabin assassination.

Now the Democrats would love for us to believe that Rush Limbaugh,Michelle Malkin,and Glenn Back are out there creating the next Lee Harvey Oswald's of the world through their defence of freedom and capitalism.Never mind the fact of the countless assassination fantasy's that was put forward by the left during President George W. Bush's term in office,some which can still be found on YouTube today.

What the Democrats really fear,is not acts violence against themselves or the president,but the collapse of their big government/socialist agenda.They entered office earlier this year with virtually no opposition,with an almost unlimitless bounds of opportunity to enact their agenda,Rahm Emauel saying,"never let a crisis go to waste."Now just 11 months after winning the White House their agenda is failing badly and has created a firestorm of opposition to it,and they know it,the crisis is going to waste.

Since they are losing the debate over,health care,cap and trade(tax), and an assortment of other big government schemes,without ever having an effective argument for their defence,they must resort now to character assassination,kill the messenger.

They are establishing now a narrative of possible violence hoping that somewhere in the future something horrible may happen that they can say"see I told you so" and bring discredit to those that oppose them(the Sparkman murder in KY case in point). That is absolutely sick and pathetic,that to win a political debate you have to place your hope in some lunatic to harm you or the president.

They also know that the force of the opposition is not in Washington but in the Heartland,where the Tea Party Movement took shape.By accusing us of possible violence they are trying to drive a wedge between weak kneed Republicans and the opposition,that they would be able then to arm twist the moderate/liberal Congressional Republicans to push their agenda through.

All Hail The Queen

Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Times Online

The oracle to all wisdom that is Gore Vidal has spoken.Let us all bow down prostrate on upon the floor and proclaim our own ignorance before such intellectual prowess.I think not!!!!

Gore Vidal may be hailed in the hallowed halls of academia and in the lofty domains of the liberal media elite as a literary genius,but in truth,in the real world,he is nothing more than a arrogant pompous ass that is a fool.Any one who makes a statement like this are arrogant pompous asses that are fools:
The “War on Terror” was “made up”, Vidal says. “The whole thing was PR, just
like ‘weapons of mass destruction’.

So we just made up 9/11/01.It never happened.Al-Qaudi terrorist never hijacked four U.S. airliners,took control over them and flew two into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center,another into the Pentagon and if not for the brave souls on United Flight 93 who sacrificed their lives probably the White House too.We all just made that up.Its just a figment of our imagination.Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/11/01 did happen!Some may not believe that we are at war but we are.Rest assured of this fact though Al-Qaudi and the Islamic fascists of the world are not under any such illusions,they know that they are at war with us and are committed to winning it.Anyone who doesn't accept that fact are devoid of reality living in a fantasy world.

Now on to this statement from Mr. Vidal:
We’ll have a military dictatorship fairly soon, on the basis that nobody else
can hold everything together.

Their is just one problem with that,the United States Military itself.They would never allow it to happen.

The members of our military take this,the United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office :“
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the
orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers
appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military
Justice. So help me God.”

You will notice that within the oath,the military allegiance is to the Constitution not to the man or woman who may occupy the office of POTUS.If any one,"foreign or domestic,"would to try to subvert the Constitution and install themselves as a dictator over this nation,they would have to go through them first,no matter who he or she may be.The Constitution reigns supreme not a man.

One of the saving grace's of liberalism is their own loathing of the military.Yes,liberals hatred of the military is a benefit to us all.As liberals populate every crack and crevice of our Federal Government,they would not be caught dead in uniform and their in lies the benefit.By occupying all of the many positions of our government liberals are able to subvert our Constitution daily to pursue their own socialist agenda but because they do not populate the military as they do the rest of the government,they can not use it to subvert the Constitution to bring forth a liberal/socialist dictatorship.

I will not go into Gore Vidal's relationship with Timothy McVeigh or him calling conservatives fascists,because it would be a complete waist of time,beside the late William F. Buckley has already said it best.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Obama down,Sarah up

The Corner on National Review Online: "Obama (Cow)Bellwether? [Jonah Goldberg]

I was in Reagan National Airport this morning and I noticed that the
tourist-souvenir shop has changed its wares. It is now fronting anti-Obama
merchandise. 'Nope' (with the Obama rainbow O) and 'Don't Blame Me, I Voted for
McCain and Sarah Palin' are now upfront. A friend says this has been the case
since early September at least. It's possible that the recent Tea Party crowds
spilling into Washington explain it. Still, given how over-the-top Obama schwag
has been at National for nearly a year, I think it's an interesting change.
Alas, I couldn't find any More Cowbell merch, but give it time."

After being inundated with everything Obama for almost two years now,from the normal fare of T-shirts and coffee mugs,to some of the more unusual,cars that are painted with Obama's image on it,I have personally seen a woman with an Obama tattoo,its amazing how so quickly things that are Obama of fallen out of vogue.I would really love to see what the sales receipts of Obama merchandise are nationally,their probably some great bargains on the sales racks.

On another note Sarah Palin has finished her much anticipated book,"Going Rogue:An American Life".Harper her publisher has already ordered a whopping 1.5 million printing for the conservative megastar.A word of note to Harper,go ahead an order a second printing now,this book is destined to be a best seller.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Keeping His Eye On The Ball

U.S. commander in Afghanistan talked with Obama only once - The Back Story - Washington Times

From the Washington Times:
"I’ve talked to the president, since I’ve been here, once on a VTC [video
teleconferece]," Gen. Stanley McChrystal told CBS reporter David Martin in a
television interview that aired Sunday.
"You’ve talked to him once in 70
days?" Mr. Martin followed up.
"That is correct," the general replied.

Gen. McChrystal must understand that President Obama is a very busy man and his time is stretched seriously thin.He needs to understand that the president's precious time is needed elsewhere.

Obama's time has been needed to saturate the liberal media establishment to push a health care plan,that the polls continue to prove we do not want.Then they was the "Beer Summit",where his presence was much needed to resolve a local issue that he helped create.Also his presence was needed at the U.N.,becuase as we all know what would we do without the U.N.By the way who is Gen. Stanely McChrystal compared to the dictators and tyrants of the World.And not to forget,the president must whisk away to Denmark and save the day and secure the Olympics for Chicago,that the people of that city are not that all crazy about.

The president hasn't forgotten about Afghanistan,not in the least.He has been talking to retired Gen.Colin Powell and seeking his and others advice on exactly what to do there next.Now what exactly could Gen. Stanley McChrystal,the U.S. commander in Afghanistan,possibly tell the president that retired Gen. Colin Powell couldn't.Come on Gen.McChrystal,all you have to draw upon is your knowledge of the situation being the commander on the ground and your expertise in counter-insurgency from Iraq.What is that compared to retired Gen. Powell and all his Washington connections?

All we need to remember is that President Obama has his eye on the ball when it comes to Afghanistan.

If any one believes that,then I may have some waterfront property in Arizona you just might be interested in.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wagging the Atomic Dawg

DEBKAfile - US giant bunker-buster bomb project rushed since Iran's Qom site discovered

From the DEBKAfile:
The Pentagon has brought forward to December 2009 the target-date for producing
the first 15-ton super bunker-buster bomb (GBU-57A/B) Massive Ordinance
Penetrator, which can reach a depth of 60.09 meters underground before
exploding. DEBKAfile's military sources report that top defense agencies and air
force units were also working against the clock to adapt the bay of a B2a
Stealth bomber for carrying and delivering the bomb.
The Pentagon has
ordered the number of bombs rolling off the production line increased from four
to ten - a rush job triggered in May by the discovery that Iran was hiding a
second uranium enrichment plant under a mountain near Qom - a discovery which
prompted this week's international outcry.
Congress has since quietly
inserted the necessary funding in the 2009 budget.
All this urgency
indicates that the Obama administration has been preparing military muscle to
back up the international condemnation of Iran's concealed nuclear bomb program,
its sanctions threat and his willingness to join the negotiations with Iran
opening on Oct. 1 in Geneva. Tehran may have to take into account a possible
one-time surgical strike against its underground enrichment facility as a
warning shot should its defiance continue. In particular, the world powers this
week demanded that Iran open up all its nuclear facilities and programs to full
and immediate international inspection. Failure to do so could bring forth
further US military action

Wow! Maybe,just maybe President Obama has grown a pair.I wouldn't count on it,but their just might be some hope that our CINC might want do something more than offer an apology for America.

Obama may want to threaten military action to gain some concessions from Iran or opt to do a limited surgical strike,(he will never go all the way and target all of Iran's nuclear capabilities),to keep Israel at bay.

Also,with sagging approval numbers and a war in Afghanistan that seems to be going bad,he just might want to wag the dog to provide a distraction.Don't discount that as a motive for using military force,remember Bill Clinton,he was an expert a wagging the dog.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dr. Strangelove for Israel

DEBKAfile - Too late to stop Tehran, Obama aims to stifle an Israeli attack

From the DEBKAfile:

But the US defense secretary believes Israel, like the rest of the world, must
accept life under the shadow of a nuclear-armed Iran and make the best of it.

So Israel must come to learn to live with a nuclear-armed Iran.Their is just one problem with that,Secretary Gates.If Israel accepts a nuclear-armed Iran,Israel will have no life to accept anything.They would be destroyed.

Iran is governed by a Islamic fundamentalist regime of mullahs,who believe the are commanded by Allah to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.They see nuclear weapons as the best means to accomplish that.They would use them in a heart beat once they have them.

You can not reason nor negotiate with anyone who believes they are on a mission from God.They are committed to fulfilling God's commands at any price.They will endure hardships of any sort and they are committed unto death to bring to pass what they believe to be the will of God,no matter how twisted you or I may think they are.That's is why sanctions and U.N. resolutions will never work.The only way to stop Iran now is by force.

A nuclear-armed Iran is the most grave threat to the Jewish people since the Holocaust.Let that sink into your ears.The Six-Day War,the Yom Kippur War nor countless terrorist attacks carried out against Israeli'sat home and around the world compares to the threat that Iran now poses to the Jewish state,a nuclear holocaust.

The time is now drawing near that Benjamin Netanyahu must make a critical decision.On one hand he can choose Israel's own security and take out the Iranian nuclear facilities.Or on the other hand Netanyahu can be bullied by Washington into learning to stop worrying and come to love the Iranian bomb.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Bin Laden demands Europe withdraw Afghanistan troops - Yahoo! News

Bin Laden demands Europe withdraw Afghanistan troops - Yahoo! News

Osama bin Laden:
"It is shameful to be part of an alliance whose leader does not care about
spilling the blood of human beings by bombing villages intentionally," he said,
referring to civilian deaths in missile attacks against Taliban fighters in
Afghanistan and Pakistan.

How can someone who is responsible for killing over 3,000 people on 9/11/01 alone,not to mention countless others in terrorist attacks around the world,utter such a statement?If this wasn't so sick it would be ridiculous.

But he is not the only one who has made statements like this.He is only echoing what the far left has been saying since the war terror has begun.

In August of 2007 then Senator Barack Obama said more coalition forces are needed in Afghanistan "so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians"........................

These accusations didn't begin with bin Laden.They began with the far left and he is now repeating them back to us.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Is the Left-Wing Hoping for Violence?

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Is the Left-Wing Hoping for Violence?

No Soup For You Today .......................

Iran Reveals Existence of Second Uranium Enrichment Plant

Yesterday Benjamin Netanyahu told the U.N. that,"the jury is still out,"on whether the U.N. or the West would do anything meaningful to prevent Iran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

Today the jury was given this piece of evidence:
Iran acknowledged the existence of the facility for the first time on Monday, in
a letter to the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency. The letter said
"a new pilot fuel enrichment plant is under construction in the country," said
Marc Vidricaire, a spokesman for the watchdog agency. "The letter stated that
the enrichment level would be up to 5 percent."

But wait theirs more:
White House officials said Western intelligence agencies have been tracking the
facility for years. Obama said officials from the United States, France and
Britain briefed the IAEA in Vienna on Thursday on what they knew about the
facility. The three heads of state decided to publicly disclose the existence of
the facility after learning that Iran had become aware the site was no longer a

Actually not any new evidence,we fin out the United States have known about this for years.

President Obama said this
:"Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow," Obama said, detailing
how the facility at Qom had been under construction for years without being
disclosed, as required, to the International Atomic Energy Association.
"International law is not an empty promise."

Yes it is an empty promise.We have known about this for years and yet have done nothing.It is insane to believe that Iran,who has broken the rules for years,that they will now start playing by the rules,because we demand it.Give me a break!

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown does no better:
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown accused Iran of "serial deception" that he
said "will shock and anger the whole international community, and it will harden
our resolve."
"We will not let this matter rest," Brown said. " . . . Iran
must abandon any military ambitions for its nuclear programs."

"Harden our resolve," to do what,Gordon Brown?"Iran must abandon any military ambitions for its nuclear programs,"or what?Will we take out Iran's nuclear facilities?Iran knows the answer to that and the answer is no we wont.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy talks tough
:"How, before the eyes of the world, could we justify meeting without tackling
them?" Sarkozy said. "We live in the real world, not a virtual world. And the
real world expects us to take decisions."
On Friday, he said Iran "is taking
the international community on a dangerous path . . . Everything, everything,
must be put on the table now. We cannot let the Iranian leaders gain time while
the motors are running."
This sounds good but talk is cheap and its what we are prepared to do that matters.

And we are not prepared to do much:
Both Sarkozy and Brown said that if Iran does not come into compliance by
December, it risks the imposition of stringent international sanctions. Obama,
who spoke in more measured terms, did not mention sanctions specifically.

Obama may be planning to get tougher than both Sarkozy and Brown.Obama just may not send a Christmas card to the Ayatollah.

The Soup Nazi approach will not work.Iran is a Islamic fundamentalist regime and they believe they have a mandate from Allah to destroy Israel.They are hell bent on acquiring nuclear weapons to accomplish that,no matter what.

The only way to stop them from acquiring weapons of mass destruction is to destroy their capability to create them.Sanctions,negotiations,or Barack Obama's charm will not stop them.Only the use of force will stop them and if we don't,I hope Israel does.

Remove Formatting from selection

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Netanyahu slams UN, challenges it to confront Iran | Israel | Jewish Journal

Netanyahu slams UN, challenges it to confront Iran Israel Jewish Journal

After a day when a who's who of rogues from across the globe stood up to address the United Nations,finally someone with sanity and courage took them to task,Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

Bibi said this to the U.N.:

“Yesterday the president of Iran stood at this very podium and spewed
his anti-Semitic rants,” the premier said. “Just a few days earlier he claimed
that the Holocaust was a lie.”
“Do those who listened to Ahmadinejad’s
speech have no shame, no decency?”

The answer Mr. Prime Minster is no,they have no shame or decency.They only want to bilk billions out of the United States and appease the Islamic Fascist of the world hoping they will leave them alone if they feed them Israel.

Netanyahu addresses this next:

“Perhaps some of you think [Ahmadinejad] and his odious regime only
the Jews,” Netanyahu continued. “Well, if you think that you are
dead wrong.”
Netanyahu warned against the dangers posed by
the West to confront the Islamic Republic’s “religious
struggle against Iran pits civilization against
barbarism,” Netanyahu told the
UN. “This Iranian regime is fueled by
“What starts
as attacks on Jews always
engulfing others,” Netanyahu said. “This
regime embodies the
Islamic fundamentalism.”

He is absolutely correct.It never stops with the Jews.It continues on to the Christians,onto women,onto atheist,so on and so on until all submit to Islamic law.

He also said this:

The premier challenged the world body to prevent Iran from acquiring weapons
of mass destruction. Israel and the Western powers believe Iran’s nuclear
program is of a military nature, a charge the Iranians deny.
the progress made in the postwar 20th century could be undone if
permitted to build atomic weapons.
“History could be
reversed if
fanaticism acquires deadly weapons,” the premier
told the UN. “The
jury is still
out on the United Nations, and the signs

If left to the U.N. and Barack Obama,Iran will get the bomb.If left to the U.N. and Barack Obama,Iran will destroy Israel.Israel must defend itself,because Barack Obama and the U.N. most certainly wont.

Benjamin Netanyahu is the Winston Churchill of our generation.As Churchill warned the world of Adolf Hitler,Netanyahu warns us of the evils of the Islamic regime in Iran.Like Churchill he also understands that appeasement never leads to peace but it always emboldens your enemy and leads to war.

What a Complete Joke

With Hugo Chavez,Moammar Gadhafi and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressing the United Nations General Assembly yesterday,one has to think that this august body dedicated to world peace is looking more and more like the Legion of Doom.All that was lacking was Lex Luthor (Vladimir Putin) to take the podium and tell them how to get rid of the Super Friends (America) once and for all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When Sarah Speaks,Everone Listen's!

Sarah Palin is the most refreshing politician to come along since Ronald Reagan.Just like Reagan she speaks from the heart with courage and conviction,wearing the disdain of the liberal media establishment as a badge of honor.She doesn't need a poll or a focus group to help her decide what to say to the American people,like Reagan she knows what to say to us,because she is one of us.Her and Reagan's values and beliefs,are our values and beliefs,they are and where in tune with the rest of America.Washington may cringe when she speaks but they are out of tune with the rest of us,Sarah sings our song and its the song of liberty.

The Wall Street Journal has posted some excerpts of Gov. Palin's speech that she gave to an investors conference in Hong Kong.