Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Nobel Anti-Bush Prize

Barack Obama's peace prize starts a fight - Times Online

This statement in the London times explains it all, on why Barack Obama received the the Nobel Peace Prize:
The Nobel Peace Prize is a notoriously difficult award to predict, but
yesterday's decision was clearly a political choice, with three of the past six
peace awards going to Bush adversaries.

I guess they should rename the Nobel Peace Prize to The Nobel Anti-Bush Prize!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Clear Choice

Afghanistan: Eight Long Years Later - David Bellavia - The Corner on National Review Online

David Bellavia is absolutely correct in his assessment of the war in Afghanistan.Obama needs to give Gen. McChrystal the forces he needs to win in Afghanistan or get the hell out.The choice is that simple and its taking entirely to long.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Powell,But Petraeus

Military Memo - Clear Voice of Bush’s Pentagon Becomes Harder to Hear -

I just love these quotes from the Old Gray Hag describing Gen. David H. Petraeus:
"......the celebrity commander..........",".............the general, with the Capitol Hill contacts and web
of e-mail relationships throughout Washington’s journalism establishment....................."

If one didn't know better,one would think they are describing Gen. Colin Powell.But that can't be,they are describing a general who actually has accomplished something.

On another note,isn't it about time Congress gives Gen. Petraeus his 5th star.Gen. Petraeus is our greatest general since Douglas MacArthur and deserves to to be promoted to a 5 star general.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Missed Oppurtunity

Report Says Iran Has Data to Make a Nuclear Bomb -

Obviously our allies in Europe are getting nervous over a nuclear armed Iran.Well not just nervous they are getting scared of a nuclear armed Iran.Because of this Obama is missing another opportunity,like he did in June,(2009),earlier this year when he didn't support the election fraud protest in Iran,by not building a coalition to bring about the real solution to a nuclear armed Iran,regime change.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Another Nail In The Coffin

CBS employee pleads not guilty in Letterman plot

The story everyone seems to be missing in the latest David Letterman scandal is the decrepit and corrupt state of the CBS News division.

Obama Loses Olympic Bid

Chicago Loses 2016 Olympic Bid -

Obama fails,the people of Chicago win!!!!!